Feel Free to Talk to Us 510-289-5265 info@ardenthhcare.com

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Unlocking Your Potential, One Step at a Time

At Ardent Home Health Care, Inc., we provide a specialized form of medical care that helps clients recover from injury or illness, manage chronic pain, and improve mobility and function in the comfort of their own homes. Our physical therapists work closely with clients to develop personalized treatment plans that are tailored to their specific needs and goals. By working with clients in their own homes, physical therapists can address environmental factors that may be contributing to their condition and provide hands-on guidance for daily activities.

Our Physical Therapy services home healthcare also focuses on patient education and empowerment, helping clients to understand their condition, learn new skills and strategies to manage their symptoms, and achieve their goals for recovery and independence.

Here are the services we offer:

  • Gait training
  • Assistance with durable medical equipment
  • Home adjustments to ensure your safety
  • Exercise to help with strength and endurance

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